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Hypertext Markup Language

What is Hypertext?

It’s computer language which allows to create websites. Also that website can view by anyone who is connected to the internet. And it’s easy to learn with the basic and also it’s quite powerful which the user can create different styles of websites. W3C is the organization which design and develop the hypertext language. Also hypertext is which we move around the web by clicking the hyperlink which is linked to another page. Also it has code words like any other language. 

History and Evolution

In 1941 Jorge Luis who developed the hypertext style novel. Also in 1945 hypertext was made by Vannevar Bush and he called it has a Memex. Also he develops a microfilm system to index the info to the links which we are using today. In 1963 Ted Nelson joined hypertext and hypermedia to a linked content. And later he worked with Andries van Dam to develop the hypertext editing system. In 1968 Engelbart published the first hypertext interface for the first time and its was called as The Mother of All Demos. In 1977 the first hypermedia was the Aspen Movie Map and also in 1980’s Tim Berner’s Lee developed the ENQUIRE which is like a wiki. 

The Evolution

Hypertext is a language which is linked and networked and also the user can read freely surf and its non linear fashion. After that many companies like Netscape and Internet Explorer began to make browsers. The first browser was Netscape which in the 1995 and it was the first browser which supported java script, animated GIF and html frames. Now today their many browser like Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome. In the past hypertext became difficult because if an author published a web page he sees his look fine in browser and if he see in another browser it won’t look fine. So this would be a big problem to the users in the earlier days. Meanwhile W3C organization working hardly in hypertext Markup Language. So now today their many browsers with many kinds feature so the user can understand and see his web page looking fine in the browser. 

How it works?

HTML is language with codes which is typed into a text by the website author. And following text file is saved as index file and view by the browser. The browser translates the text into a form which the user can read easily. Today many number of users and authors use text editor software’s to create different kind of web pages.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Easy to edit
  • Easy learn
  • Easy to edit by text editor
  • It supports most of the browsers
  • It can used to present any kind of data

  • All the page should be edited separately
  • Does not render correctly in most browsers
  • It’s need to be updated manually
  • Some of script should added separately to center the navigation bar
  • We have to use marquee tag because most of the browsers doesn’t show correctly 

Basic Tag System

Tag which separate the text into a code. If we created a website in Dream weaver it will shows the tag’s in order from the start to the end. For example like this 

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 
charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
        font-size: 9px;
.style10 {
        font-family: Calibri;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        font-size: 16px;
.style14 {
        font-family: Calibri;
        font-size: 14px;
Also Different kinds of tag show different kinds of performance. Also your web page appears in the browser but the tag won’t appear, and its easy learn these kind of things. For example if we look at web page in a browser the browser show every tag in detail like what type font as been used for the web page the size of the font how many pages are linked and how many images are in the page like that.

Other Technologies working with html 

The other technologies are css, java, flash and php etc. These are the technologies which works with browsers and today their are some of the technologies like joomla and j query these are the technologies which many of the users using today for the websites. 




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