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Evolution of Internet

The History of the Internet Evolution

In 1969 the American Defense Ministry invented the internet and it’s called has ARAnet. It was made for military research for the American army. And the network had many difficulties such as it had to be fast, reliable, and it has to be capable of withstanding a nuclear bomb destroying. And this network evolved into sprawling networks of millions of computers we know today as the internet. The following image shows you how internet was used at that time.

Evolution of the Internet
The internet is massive network and which you can connect to the other networks. Also it’s a collection of providers which is called (ISP). ISPs operate their own network and also with their own clients to agree to interconnect which each other to exchange packets. And also larger ISPs cell connect their network to smaller ISPs also.

Also the ISPs cell connects to the individuals and corporations to merge their network into this network which is called the internet.

There is no exact for the internet and communication and coordination of the ISP, and their actions are overseen also it’s nonprofit organization and it’s called as the internet society.

The internet engineering task force is an affiliated organization which coordinates the work of numerous committees which defines communication standards and researches the methods of explaining and improving the internet communication. Also the communication standards are referred as RFCs which is called as (Requests for comments) and they are voluntarily to buy all the ISPs.

Also the internet users can simply categories as publishing and getting information in various subjects like marketing, management, science, IT, training materials, jobs, higher education, mathematics, music, games, software and e-commerce. Also the kind of information available can be listed as text documents, graphic files, sound and video files and downloadable games and software’s. These things which many users search in the internet.

The speed of the internet has been evolving; also much kind of predictions can be made for the internet in future. For example communication methods like functions that translated automatically into the language preferred by the receiver. And finding a tune through humming into the microphone, also virtual tours of a house, car can become common things. This is what the internet has become today, starting from its birth in 1969 to become an indispensable service for the human race. Also it will be remain in the future.


  1. Good job! But there are more interesting facts that you can find about internet and its evolution. Expand your research.


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